We have been working hard to get our website up and going by September 1st but as luck would have it, we're still waiting on approval from some of the government agencies. There has been some back and forth and it seems like things are starting to make some progress on their side so hopefully within a few weeks we'll be good to go.
We had a difficult time at the zoning office because of our unique situation being that we're a cottage bakery. There was much researching and talking to management only to have summer vacations get in the way. We finally cleared things up with them and then waltzed across the hall to get our business license and it took mere minutes (and a lot of money!) and ta-da, we had our business license, just like that. We were dumbfounded that it was so easy compared to everything else.
Labor day weekend was spent baking every menu item because we took photos for our website. Some friends offered to take pictures for us and since they have a knack for it and have turned out some really great looking photos of food, we jumped all over their offer. There's converting and editing to be done on the photos but from what we saw on the camera screen ... well, I'm super excited.
This week I'm searching for super cute boxes/baskets for corporate gifts for this holiday season. I'm also thinking about Christmas specials, you know, those baked goods that totally undo your dieting plans but are totally worth it. Suggestions are always welcome!