Friday, May 1, 2009

The bumbling bee takes off!

I decided to start a food blog because I felt like my personal blog was becoming nothing but cakes and cookies. This isn't just a food blog though, I'm going to be commenting on my journey on starting my own bakery. I never thought I'd be a business order but after some research into cottage kitchens, it all seems very plausible now. There is some cost associated with the start up and there are pretty strict rules that need to be followed but I think it's pretty great that the state realizes that people are able to produce products out of their house in a safe and customer friendly way.
I decided to name my bakery The Bumbling Bee because well ... I love Utah. Seems corny I know but I really like living in the state and especially downtown. A few months ago my husband and I went on a tour of the capital and the bee motif is everywhere and it is gorgeous. Even the base guards around the tree trunks downtown have a honeycomb pattern. Plus it's an adorable name. A little nod towards the state and a cute bakery name, what isn't there to love?

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