Wednesday, October 8, 2014

cork letters

Ok, so this one is really old. I was going through the picture folder of my crafts and saw this. I'm really proud of how they turned out so I thought I'd share. I have some friends from high school that got married and I couldn't make it back out for the wedding so I wanted to make it up to them. I think I asked people to collect their wine corks for me but it ended up being like 1/8th of what I needed so I ended up buying some on ebay. I got the letters at a craft store and painted them white. And then I hot glued the corks on. It was A LOT of hot glue. I ran into the problem of the sides and curves and eventually learned how to slice through a cork with an xacto knife, a skill that I am not too excited to ever use again. Turns out that it takes a lot of corks to fill in 6 letters but the result was worth it, in my opinion. I don't know if the pictures capture it but some of the corks had UNITY down the side of them and that's where my love of the word came from. It just seems so tough.

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