Friday, November 28, 2014

HTV and more cameo love

Historically I've been the freezer paper queen when it came to making shirts. But after the smashing failure of my beehive shirt, I figured that there had to be a better way. I started looking into vinyl and thought that vinyl might make a better stencil and then I realized that duh, I can just get heat transfer vinyl and then I wouldn't have to deal with paint at all! I got white, black and 2 glitter vinyls in blue and copper. I'm not a glitter person but I figured that it would be good for making stuff for the cousins. 
Anyway, here is my trial run. We call baby E the billy goat baby because he tries to eat anything that he can get his mouth on. He specifically likes to suck on our jeans which is pretty gross. At thanksgiving the cousins were showing off their turkey shirts and they were pretty surprised and confused when I unzipped the babies jacket and he had a goat on his shirt. It was pretty funny. The image is fairly detailed and worked out great! It's been through the wash half a dozen times and still has held up. Success! 

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